Online Essay Course for BPSC

Course Introduction

  • As you are aware that BPSC has come up with an Essay as a mandatory subject in the Mains paper that will have a great
    influence and impact on your Final Score, Rank and Service that you get. As It is said “Better to start early than finish late.” you
    must begin writing an essay without thinking much about the quality, content and Flow. It will automatically come after Practice.
    In Hindi, we have a famous proverb

    करत करत अभ्यास के जड़मति होत सुजान; रसरी आवत जात ते सिल पर परत निसान

  • The key to progress and success is practice. Hard work done for success results from practice only. Labour once done does not
    yield desired results; Success is achieved only by repeated practice. Whether it is construction work, learning an art skill,
    reaching a goal or studying, there is a need for practice everywhere. Even a talented person cannot progress if he does not

  • We at BCW believe in the same principle and expect the same from you as a friend, Guide and Mentor.

  • We will post Essay topics till the 68th Mains so that you could get Hang of writing essays and be a master at it –

Online Essay Course Key Features

Key Differentiator

Quality Teaching:

Quality Study Material:

Regular Assesment & Support:

Additional Support:

Personalized & Dedicated Academic Coaching